Cropportunities Agenda 2023
By Shannon Chant, MSc PAg, Crops Extension Specialist, Swift Current
March 2023
The 15th Cropportunities event will be held in Swift Current on March 14, 2023. Join us to hear about the latest research, updates on challenges facing farmers and a market outlook.
Registration is at 8:30 a.m. at the Sky Centre, Living Sky Casino.
The event starts off with a presentation from Wheatland Conservation Area on their research and demonstrations. This talk is an opportunity to hear about local results that you can use on your farm, provide to your clients or both. The latest research results can be found online.

The second presentation of the morning features Rick Mitzel, Executive Director, SaskMustard, speaking about mustard opportunities. Did you know that Saskatchewan produced 115,000 tonnes of mustard in 2022?
After a networking and refreshment break, James Tansey, Provincial Insect and Vertebrate Specialist, will speak about challenging animals on the farm, including grasshoppers, Richardson ground squirrels (gophers) and flea beetles. Be sure to check out our latest grasshopper forecast map.
Then, Ken Wall, Grow Team Advisor, Federated Co-op Limited, will speakabout water quality and herbicides. Especially in drier years, concentrations of certain compounds can increase as water evaporates, which can result in less effective or not effective applications of glyphosate, 2,4-D amine and some Group 1 herbicides.
After lunch, we will have a 4R research update from Mario Tenuta, Senior Industrial Research Chair in 4R Nutrient Management and professor, University of Manitoba. Fertilizer Canada leads the 4R (right rate, right source, right placement and right time) Initiative, and you can find more information on their website.
Our final presentation of the day is a Market Outlook by Leigh Anderson, Senior Agricultural Economist, Farm Credit Canada (FCC).
Wheatland Conservation Area, Pioneer Co-op Ag Team and Saskatchewan Agriculture are happy to have Cropportunities back in person for 2023, and we hope to see you there. Thank you to this year’s gold sponsors, FCC and NexGen Seeds. We really appreciate the local support from all our sponsors, as this event would not be possible without them.