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SK Agriculture Crops Winter Webinars By Ashley Kaminski, PAg, CCA, Crops Extension Specialist,...

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Cropportunities 2024 will be held Thursday, March 14, 2024 @ Living Sky Casino Event Centre, Swift Current, SK.

Annual AgriARM Update (2024 Webinars)

For the full list of Saskatchewan Agriculture Crops Winter Webinars, visit

Annual Field Tour 2024 will be held from 9am-12pm on Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Swift Current.

2023 Annual AgriARM Update (Webinar recording)

Walk The Plots

Listen for “Walk The Plots” Radio Show with Glenda Lee Allan on CKSW (570) throughout the summer, every Tuesday on the noon hour, or find a recording on the Swift Current Online Podcast at a later date.

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Evaluation of Wheat seeding rates under various environmental conditions

Wheatland Conservation Area 11

Benefits of seeding date and rate on canola yield and quality

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Minor Use Seed Treatment on Fenugreek

Annual Forages in a Rotation

SFP Establishing Hybrid Brown Mustard Recommendations

June 14, 2022

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

SFP An Assessment of Annual Forage Varieties in SK

August 2, 2022

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Regional Adaptation and Response to Nitrogen of Hemp and Quinoa in SK

July 26, 2022

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

Faba bean Agronomy

August 9, 2022

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Expanding Rotational Options Using New and Novel Pulse Crop

August 16, 2022

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Faba Bean Agronomy

May 4, 2021

Wheatland Conservation Area 11

Comparison Of Liquid And Granular Forms Of Starter Phosphorus

June 7, 2022

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Insecticide Timing to control Aphids

May 11, 2021

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Non traditional Nitrogen Management in Flax

May 25, 2021

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Controlling flax volunteers in Canary Seed

May 18, 2021

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

Benefits of annual forages preceding spring cereals in a rotation

June 1, 2021

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

Establishing Optimum Nitrogen and Seed Rates for Hybrid Brown Mustard

June 15, 2021

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Fertility Practices to Manage chickpea Maturity and disease resistance

June 8, 2021

Annual Forages in a Rotation

Desiccation Options for Flax

July 29, 2021

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

SPG Field pea root health in aphanomyces contaminated soils

June 29, 2021

Increasing Seeding Rate to manage FHB in Wheat

Influence of Potassium on Barley and Wheat

June 22, 2021

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