Wheatland Conservation Area Inc
Practical Solutions for Today’s Agriculture Questions
WCA is a non-profit producer run applied research facility set up in the Brown soil zone of Southwest Saskatchewan to research, demonstrate and extend practical agronomics to producers in the region and beyond.
We acknowledge that we are on Treaty Four Territory and the Homeland of the Metis. We pay our respect to the First Nation and Metis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.
About Us
Our Goals
Address current agronomic, economic, and environmental issues facing producers and land managers through research, demonstration, and extension.
Provide a communication link between agriculture research and agriculture producers to improve the transfer and adaptation of both new and existing technology to farmers and ranchers.
To improve the overall image of Agriculture in the public eye, as being an economic and environmentally sustainable practice, thus encouraging public investment in our industry and attracting young entrepreneurs to choose agriculture as a career.
Our mission
To facilitate applied research and demonstrate advanced technology to producers in the Brown Soil Zone of Southwest Saskatchewan and to advance the adoption of this technology into practice, thereby improving producer’s economic returns and long term sustainability of the operation and the environment.
Our History
Wheatland Conservation Area was established in 1983 by producers concerned about soil degradation, with a special emphasis on soil salinity. We take a pro-active approach to member concerns and have adjusted programs and mandates to include applied research and demonstration of advanced cropping systems. We currently operate one of eight Agri-ARM research sites in the province.
News & Events
Our Latest Updates
January presentations added to Wheatland Website
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Swift Current Meetings held on January 23, 2024 at the Innovation Federal Credit Union Iplex. Presented by Amber Wall. Investigating the Impact of Herbicide Stress and Potassium Chloride Nutrition on Plant Health of Chickpea Saskatchewan...
Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission Infrastructure Funding
We want to thank the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission for providing funding to purchase a new John Deere 5075E Utility Tractor that pulls our main plot drill and mower.