We want to thank the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission for providing funding to purchase a new John Deere 5075E Utility Tractor that pulls our main plot drill and mower.
Cropportunities Agenda 2023 By Shannon Chant, MSc PAg, Crops Extension Specialist, Swift Current March 2023 The 15th Cropportunities event will be held in Swift Current on March 14, 2023. Join us to hear about the latest research, updates on challenges facing farmers...
Our events section has been updated. On behalf of us, Pioneer Coop Grow Team and the SK Ministry of Agriculture, please join us for Cropportunities 2023 at the Living Sky Casino on March 14th. Register by calling 306-778-8285. As well as register for out online Annual...
WCA manages the southwest Agricultural Applied Research Management (Agri-ARM) site in the dry brown soil zone near Swift Current, SK. WCA has collaborated with the federal, provincial and municipal government, as well as many commodity groups, industry partners and...
Upcoming Events at Wheatland Conservation Area, Swift Current, SK July 21st @ 9am-12pm – Wheatland Conservation Area, Saskatchewan Agriculture, Pioneer Coop Grow Team and Sask Mustard host our Annual Field Tour. Please call the Ministry of Agriculture office in...